From Syria to Sunshine
Another World Is Possible, Outside of the Shadows
by Jennifer Browdy de Hernandez
And so we find ourselves, once again, on the brink of sending our military to attack another country, about which, again, we seem to know pathetically little.
Will it be possible to perform a “surgical strike†in Syria, preventing the government armed forces from using chemical weapons without actually taking sides in the civil war?
To what extent have the “rebel forces†been infiltrated by radical Muslim fighters coming over from Afghanistan and Iran?
What are the motives of the shadowy big players looming in the background — China, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Iran, Israel?
Why has the United Nations been so silent?
But here’s the big question that no one is asking: why aren’t we working like banshees to reduce our dependence on Middle East oil?
The fact is that the sheikdoms of the Persian Gulf were insular, off-the-the-beaten track kingdoms until the advent of the modern Western addiction to oil. It’s all about resources. (more…)