Of Uncertain Futures
As We Are Not Yet One…
by Jan Lundberg
As the modern age accelerates its downward spiral toward an uncertain outcome, we are divided in our outlooks and fears. Â Yet, if we examine them, and if enough of us have a dialogue resulting in action, we might discover our apparent weaknesses in such a way to make us stronger.
More “haves” than ever sense an uncertain future, mainly that of becoming have-nots. Â But when haves admit that deeper threats are getting close to engulfing humanity — ecological deterioration, famine over rising energy prices and water shortage — the future appears downright doubtful.
The have-nots have fears about the future too, but rarely about becoming haves. That was so ’60s. The uncertain future of non-rich, insecure people can appear to them to be limited to severe lack of money.  But knowledge of ecological collapse and resource shortages are also appreciated by many of the poor, thereby putting almost all people in the same boat (today or very soon). (more…)