New Clear Vision

constructive commentary for the chronically farsighted

Reconstructing Haiti

October 24, 2011 By: NCVeditor Category: Culture, Ecology, Sasha Kramer

Finally, Some Good News from Port-au-Prince

by Sasha Kramer

Dear friends and supporters,

I am ashamed that this letter is so long in coming.  I know that the last time we wrote to you SOIL (Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods) was facing a major crisis, and I am so grateful to those of you who reached out to us during that difficult time.  I know that many of you may have been wondering if we still exist and I am thankful to be able to share good news with you in this letter.

In mid-June, just when we were certain that we would have to close our Port-au-Prince office and cut off our emergency services, a miracle happened. (more…)

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

September 07, 2011 By: NCVeditor Category: Culture, Ecology, Economy, Tina Lynn Evans

Enforced Dependency is Everywhere

by Tina Lynn Evans

In the globalized world, dependency on current systems is enforced almost universally. Ironically, the very recognition of our dependency and its enforcement is fertile ground for growing truly powerful ideas for living more sustainably.

Ours is a truly complex world — with interlocking systems of finance and debt, globalized supply chains for commodities and products, highly specialized social roles and professions, and multiple technologies that tightly interface with and depend upon one another. For people living in modern societies, there is virtually no escape from dependency — technology dependency, food dependency, oil dependency — you name it. What’s more, we actively participate in maintaining and expanding social systems that circumscribe our potential. These systems limit our autonomy, our choices, our development, and our authentic engagement with others and the world. (more…)

Connecting the Web

August 24, 2011 By: NCVeditor Category: Culture, Ecology, Economy, Jan Lundberg

Meeting the Real Planetary Crisis

by Jan Lundberg

Anyone paying attention to the world today encounters shocking, saddening alerts. But these don’t bring on a strong enough sense of alarm to all humanity. The sense is getting stronger, but it seems that revolts are not rising fast enough to steer events. Particularly in the U.S., we let events overtake us. Perhaps the alarms and outrages are most easily appreciated by traditional peoples close to the land and seas.

A new report estimates that a least twenty percent of all known mammals are nearing extinction, with large species at greatest risk. By many indicators, our life-support system is short-circuiting or burning out, and it makes the news often enough to alert everyone who’s not sleepwalking. Somehow this news pales for the average person compared to stresses over job-search or overworking. (more…)

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