Beyond Secrecy
Rebuilding Trust and Resilience
by Winslow Myers
As lowly citizens trying to understand the enormous resources poured into the national security state, it may help to examine the “meta-thinking†behind the mass mining of “meta-data†from our telephones and e-mails.
Aside from debate about whether our government may be massively violating the 4th Amendment, we need to begin with compassion. It is not hard to see how fear and political necessity are among the engines driving the growth of the secrecy bureaucracy. There are bad actors out there, and a certain alertness is required to prevent them from doing their worst. Political leaders do not get elected by advocating love for enemies.
Thus President Obama cannot say aloud that the lives of children in Pakistan or Yemen are worth as much as the lives of his own daughters. That such evasions are politically necessary is one indication that our “meta-thinking†may be inadequate. (more…)