Herculean Efforts
Honoring Commitments to the Homeless, and Ourselves
by Pat LaMarche
I’m not homeless, but every now and then I take to the streets in some far-flung part of the United States and live in a fashion similar to the one lived by many people experiencing homelessness.
Like many folks without a home, sometimes I travel alone, but I’m often with others. Two weeks ago I shoved off on my latest trip with my dear friend, Diane Nilan.  Nilan’s an advocate for homeless kids and the executive director of Hear Us, a charity she started 9 years ago hoping to shed light on our nation’s greatest shame.
I love Diane Nilan. She’s selfless and that’s an amazing thing to watch. She’s held body and soul together — living on the road in an RV all these years — for the same reasons the flight attendant tells you to put the oxygen mask over your own face before you attempt to help somebody else. (more…)